Friday, October 19, 2007

I am furious....

Sorry this is going to be quick but I just have to get it out because I was so irritated watching Grey's Anatomy last night. Who tells McDreamy that they are not ready for marriage and kids and all of that after his little speech. I hope Meredith loses him. That is all I am going to say but I am pretty mad. Probably because this goes a lot deeper then tv but come on.


Erin said...

That pissed us off too! Matt thinks he and Lexi should hook up because she seems a lot less screwed up than Meredith and frankly a whole lot prettier.

Lindsay said...

I thought Meredith was totally lame too! I also hope that McDreamy decides to hook up with Lexi because that would really piss Meredith off. But I think she deserves it!

Bryce and Katie said...

Hey when do you get back from Chicago??? I need to see if you're in town the weekend of November 9-11. Goin through the temple and want to make sure you'll be there :) I hope you're having a great time!!!!!!!